About me

Maylin Torres is a devoted mother, special education teacher, and author. Born and raised in South Florida, of Cuban descent, family and culture are extremely important. She is a mother of three awesome stud-muffins that she has raised with the belief that above all, one must be kind. Maylin’s greatest contribution is teaching students in the special needs population the skills necessary to improve their quality of life. She has dedicated herself to providing children with security and a voice, ensuring they grow up to be emotionally stable to handle obstacle’s they may encounter through life. Maylin is currently working towards a master’s degree in Applied Behavioral Analysis.


Maylin has dedicated herself to raising her three amazing boys into wonderful, well-rounded young men. She shares her passion for life and love for children by equipping individuals with the life skills they need to function independently.

Writing originally was a therapeutic passion for her; now, she shares her love for books and humanity with the world.

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My Best Friend

In these simple phrases and scenes, you will find a timeline of the true life of a mother and son-a beautiful example of falling in love with another human being. Full of ups and downs, together they find their purpose in this crazy world. It is about the courage to choose HIM over abortion. It depicts the strength, formed by a bond, which motivates a son to pursue his dreams and a mother to become a better version of herself.

Ask. Seek. Find

A daily devotional for this month directed toward inspiring you to ASK HIM to meet your needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus, while encouraging you to SEEK HIS majesties. Align your will with His when you FIND HIM and receive the desires of your heart.

Get in Touch

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
‭‭Joshua‬ ‭1‬:‭9‬ ‭NIV

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